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best diet plan for weight loss....

       Best diet plan for fat loss!!!! Before making your diet chart all you need to is calculate your   'Basal Metabolic Rate' (BMR) which gives your basal metabolic rate—the amount of energy expended while at rest in a neutrally temperate environment. Here is the link of BMR CALCULATOR : Now consider an example of a male whose age is 25 y/o & he weighs 160pounds with a height of 5'10 & his calculated BMR IS 1717 CALORIES PER DAY. These 1717 calories are his maintenance calories. So if the person wants to gain weight he needs to consume more calories & if the goal is fat & weight loss then he needs to consume less than 1700 calories per day. In this example, let us suppose he needs to lose then he will start with a calorie deficit diet. His calorie intake will be 1400 CALORIES PER DAY. We further split this into proportion of 30%CARBS, 45% PROTEIN & 25% FATS So, it w...

how to lose weight at home....


πŸ‘‰Pay special attention to your diet for weight loss.
πŸ‘‰Consume fruits and vegetables according to the weather.
πŸ‘‰Avoid the habit of putting something in the mouth.

πŸ‘‰It is also necessary to exercise too.

Well losing your weight is not very difficult. You just need a fitness plan that will fulfill all these dreams related to your fitness.You have to reduce the amount of salt in your diet. Let's learn how to reduce weight in seven days by simple sacrifices:-

✔As soon as you wake up in the morning, start drinking one teaspoon of honey and 1 teaspoon of honey in a glass of lukewarm water daily.

✔Stop taking junk food. 

✔Eat food at a certain time, apart from this, eat food two hours before sleeping.

✔Avoid taking artificial or extra sugar in the food. Also do not consume excessive oils, spiced foods.

✔Get the maximum amount of fiber in the food.

✔Increase the amount of fruits and green vegetables in your diet.

✔Use oat meal bread or multi grain bread instead of plain bread.

✔Use curd, cheese and other ingredients made from toddy milk and tooth milk, leaving full cream milk products.

✔Walk for 30 to 45 minutes daily. Take a stroll 2 to 3 times a day. In addition to the morning walk, stroll after lunch and dinner. Walking after lunch will not be tired.

✔If you are eating at 8.30 at night, then prefer pulses and vegetables instead of chapati and rice. 

✔Eat light food at night.

✔Drink 12 to 15 glasses of water throughout the day, if possible, drink lukewarm water more.

✔Do not eat anytime, do not eat anything at any time when you open the refrigerator.

✔Eat breakfast whenever you eat for 15-20 minutes and chew and chew.

✔Eat fruits and vegetables according to season.

✔Do not apply ghee or butter on chapati.

These were some simple steps which you can adopt in your day to day life with just little bit of effort.


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  2. Very nice information given.... In

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